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Create a non-fungible token

Get started with Marmalade demonstrated how to use the mint-basic-NFT function and a local metadata file to mint a token for an image on the local file system. To see a more realistic example, you need to perform some additional preliminary steps. The topic provides a walk-though to illustrate the entire process from artwork to marketplace.

Prepare a digital item and metadata

  1. Generate the artwork in a digital format.

    For this walk-through, the artwork is a portable network graphic image. The file name for the digital image is guitar1.png.

  2. Create the initial metadata to describe the asset using the Marmalade metadata schema.

    For this walk-through, the initial metadata file—guitar1.json—contains the following information for the guitar1.png image.

    { "name": "Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar", "description": "The power of music is amplified in the sacred Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar.", "image": "guitar1.png", "external_url": "", "authors": [     {         "name": "Lola Pistola"     } ], "properties": {     "type": "acoustic",     "cathedral": "red",    }}
    { "name": "Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar", "description": "The power of music is amplified in the sacred Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar.", "image": "guitar1.png", "external_url": "", "authors": [     {         "name": "Lola Pistola"     } ], "properties": {     "type": "acoustic",     "cathedral": "red",    }}

    Note that the image field is just a placeholder that will need to be replaced with the actual location for the file after you upload it to a publicly accessible network.

  3. Upload the image to a storage location that provides permanent internet access to the digital asset.

    As noted in Store digital assets, there are many ways you can store digital assets, including hosting images yourself, using a cloud service provider like Google or AWS, or uploading content to a distributed file storage service like the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).

    There are also many tools available for uploading digital files for permanent storage. For example, you can use NFT.Storage with NFTUp, IPFS Desktop, Pinata, or any other tool to upload files and generate the content identifier (CID) for your work.

    For this walk-through, uploading the guitar1.png image to IPFS generated the following content identifier and links:

    For the image fileUploaded example result
    Content identifierbafybeied7rg4uiviidrzd33wnvmrkmys3wuh5omnrmeateydo5oe25kawu
    IPFS URLipfs://bafybeied7rg4uiviidrzd33wnvmrkmys3wuh5omnrmeateydo5oe25kawu/guitar1.png
    Gateway URL
  4. Update the metadata file so that the image field is the path to the content identifier. You should review the metadata carefully to ensure it has all of the descriptive information you want to include.

    For example:

    { "name": "Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar", "description": "The power of music is amplified in the sacred Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar.", "image": "ipfs://bafybeied7rg4uiviidrzd33wnvmrkmys3wuh5omnrmeateydo5oe25kawu/guitar1.png", "external_url": "", "authors": [     {         "name": "Lola Pistola"     } ], "properties": {     "type": "acoustic",     "cathedral": "red",    }}
    { "name": "Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar", "description": "The power of music is amplified in the sacred Cathedral of the Acoustic Guitar.", "image": "ipfs://bafybeied7rg4uiviidrzd33wnvmrkmys3wuh5omnrmeateydo5oe25kawu/guitar1.png", "external_url": "", "authors": [     {         "name": "Lola Pistola"     } ], "properties": {     "type": "acoustic",     "cathedral": "red",    }}
  5. Upload the updated metadata file to IPFS.

    For this walk-through, uploading the guitar1.json metadata to IPFS generated the following content identifier and links:

    For the JSON fileUploaded example result
    Content identifierbafkreibtpwfidowlbmxblew2lyghgy2tctvcazsfcjxk3ozgnm5a33uc4m
    IPFS URLipfs://bafkreibtpwfidowlbmxblew2lyghgy2tctvcazsfcjxk3ozgnm5a33uc4m/guitar1.json
    Gateway URL
  6. Copy the content identifier for the metadata file.

    With this step, you are ready to mint the non-fungible token. The simplest way to do that is using the mint-NFT helper function defined in the marmalade-v2.util contract.

Mint the non-fungible token

The mint-NFT helper function defined in the marmalade-v2.util contract is similar to the mint-basic-NFT function used in Get started with Marmalade. Like the mint-basic-NFT function, you can access the mint-NFT function using the Chainweaver desktop or web application.

To mint the non-fungible token uploaded to IPFS:

  1. Open and unlock the Chainweaver desktop or web application.

  2. Select Testnet as the network to connect to the Kadena test network.

  3. Click Contracts, then click Module Explorer.

  4. Under Deployed Contracts, select the marmalade-v2.util contract, then click View.

  5. Under Functions, select mint-NFT, then click Call.

  6. On the Parameters tab, set the uri, policies, and guard information, then click Next.

    • Set the uri to point to the content identifier for the metadata file for the token. For this walk-through, the uri for the metadata file for the token is: ipfs://bafkreibtpwfidowlbmxblew2lyghgy2tctvcazsfcjxk3ozgnm5a33uc4m/guitar1.json

    • Set the policies to identify the policies to enforce for the token. For this walk-through, the token uses the following policies: [marmalade-v2.non-fungible-policy-v1,marmalade-v2.guard-policy-v1]

    • Set the guard to authorize a specific keyset or another guard to mint the token. For this walk-through, the guard can be read from the transaction using (read-keyset "my-keyset").

  7. On the Configuration tab, select the Transaction Sender, review transaction settings, and select the keyset to use, then click Next.

  8. On the Sign tab, select an Unrestricted Signing key, then click Next.

  9. On the Preview tab, scroll to see the Raw Response is true, then click Submit.

    After you submit the transaction, it is queued for processing in the memory pool until validated and added to a block. After the transaction is included in a block, your NFT is part of the permanent blockchain record and added to the Marmalade ledger.

    Successful mint transaction
    Successful mint transaction

Review the mint transaction

The mint transaction emits several events to report the operations performed. You can view these events in the Kadena block explorer.

To review your transaction results:

  1. Copy the Request Key displayed in Chainweaver, then click Done.

  2. Select Request Key, then paste the key you copied from Chainweaver into the Search field.

  3. Review the transaction results and the events recorded for the mint transaction.

    For example, you should also see a set of events similar to the following:

    Events related to minting a non-fungible token
    Events related to minting a non-fungible token

Start a sale with an offer

Now that your token is recorded in the Marmalade ledger, you can transfer it to another account or offer it for sale. In this simple example, there's no royalty policy associated with the token because it isn't intended to generate an ongoing revenue stream. However, the token owner can still offer the token for sale.

The offer can include a specific fixed quoted price or be configured with a variable quoted price that is adjusted according to the rules in a reference sale-specific contract. If an offer doesn't have a fixed quoted price, you can be configure to use either a conventional auction or a dutch auction contract to attract buyers to bid on the work. You can find an introduction to sales-specific contracts like these auction contracts in Layered contract architecture. Regardless of the sales model you choose, you enter the token marketplace by submitting the offer transaction.

Next steps

This walk-through demonstrated the workflow for creating a non-fungible token (NFT) using the Marmalade standard with permanent storage on IPFS. To learn more about configuring sale contracts, see Sales options. To learn more about creating and using your own sale contract, see Create a sale contract. For technical reference information about any Marmalade smart contract, see NFT marketplace reference.